• 01332 224830
  • info@beautyguild.com

Frequently Asked Questions - Guild Membership and Insurance

A selection of FAQs on Guild membership and insurance are provided below. See also:

Training FAQs | Accreditation FAQs

Membership Questions

Who can Join the Guild?

If you are a qualified Beauty Therapist, Holistic Therapist, Nail Technician, or Hairdresser/Barber, you can apply for Guild membership and insurance. For a quotation to become a member please click on the drop down list, membership and insurance heading on our website homepage, then click join now.

Can I be a member of more than one membership branch?

You can apply to be in more than one membership branch. There is a fee of £15 per additional branch that can be included in your membership and insurance quote.

Do you need to see copies of my certificates?

You are able to upload copies of your qualification certificates to your membership portal if you wish. You will be required to provide copies of your qualifications in the event of an insurance claim.

Where do I upload my training certificates?

Log into your user account area. Go into Profile and My Qualifications on the Dashboard on the left side margin. Add your training certificates in here.

Which branch should I join with my qualifications?

You can join any branch, the insurance cover is the same whichever branch you join, you will be insured for all the treatments you hold a qualification for, as long as the treatment is insurable by the Guild.

What do I receive once I join the Guild?

A confirmation letter of your membership and insurance will be emailed to you, along with the insurance documentation and a Membership certificate that you can print and display. You have the option when joining to purchase a badge, window sticker or printed membership certificate at £4.00 each or you can purchase all 3 in our membership bundle for £10.00. All of your insurance and membership documentation will also be available to view within your online membership account under the Guild Membership section. As a thank you joining or renewing your membership with us, a £25 discount voucher will be added to your membership account for use against any GTi course within one year.

I have insurance elsewhere, can I still join?

You can join as an Associate Member of the Guild, this doesn't include insurance cover, but gives you all other membership benefits. We also have International Membership for people who live overseas. Please click on your membership branch of choice, on our homepage, then complete the pink box 'insurance quote'

Can I pay monthly for my membership and insurance?

We can only accept full payment at the start of your membership.

How do I advertise my business on the Guild's professional register?

Full Guild Members and Associate Members can advertise their business on the Guild's Professional Register, on the Beautyguild website. Members register by logging into their account portal, and go to Professional Register to register their details. Associate Members need to forward a copy of their insurance to info@beautyguild.com, before they can appear on the Professional Register.

What is your refund policy?

Details about your cancellation rights for membership and insurance can be found under our terms of business, within the footer of our web pages under Legal.

Insurance Questions

What treatments are covered by the Guilds Insurance?

Our standard insurance policy covers all of the most popular beauty, nails, hair and holistic treatments in the event you injure a client. You can see a full list of all the treatments we cover at click here.

How do I get a quote?

Complete the Instant Insurance Quote details in the pink box on the Homepage to get a personalised quote.

What does the Guild Insurance cover?

The Guild’s insurance gives you up to £6 million cover against treatment risk, public liability and product liability.

Do you insure online courses?

Insurance can be provided for online courses, where the practical training and practical assessment were done through a live video link with the course tutor, eg zoom, whatsapp and so on.

What qualifications do you accept?

You must hold the appropriate qualification(s) from a recognised and accredited UK college or company for any treatment(s) you wish to be covered for. Cover can be provided for online courses, where the practical training and assessment were done through a live video link with the course tutor, e.g. Zoom, Whatsapp. You do not have to upload copies of your certificates when you apply for membership and insurance but you will be required to provide proof of your qualification(s) if a claim should arise.

Does Full Guild membership insurance include public liability cover?

Full Guild membership insurance gives you up to £6 million cover against treatment risk, public liability, and product liability. Public liability covers you if a client or member of the public claims they have been injured, or their property is damaged, because of your business activities e.g., a client trips and falls whilst on your premises, or a client knocks over a wax pot and burns themselves. It also covers claims for property damage e.g., you spill hair dye over a client's expensive handbag. This type of insurance is designed to protect business owners against claims that result in legal proceedings. If a claim does become a legal matter, a policy will cover the cost of these expenses, including any compensation you are required to pay. Public liability insurance cover also provides you with cover to carry out mobile treatments at your client's home or in another UK location e.g., a client could make a claim against you because you spilt nail varnish remover on the client's dining room table and damaged it. For a quotation, please click on the link click here

Does Full Guild membership insurance include treatment liability cover?

Full Guild membership insurance gives you up to £6 million cover against treatment risk, public liability, and product liability. Treatment liability covers you if a client makes a claim against you for bodily injury or property damage as a result of a treatment that you performed on them. It will cover your legal costs and any damages paid to the client. For a quotation, please click on the link click here

Does Full Guild membership insurance include product liability cover?

Full Guild membership insurance gives you up to £6 million cover against treatment risk, public liability, and product liability. This insurance covers your business in case a product that you sell to your client or to a member of the public and it injures them or damages their property. Product liability will cover your legal defences and any damages you must pay to the claimant if they win the case. The product liability insurance only provides cover for the use of products that are used in the course of a treatment, provided that they haven't been manufactured by the insured and that the insured has the right of recourse against the product supplier or manufacturer. For a quotation, please click on the link click here

Am I insured to retail products?

This is covered under the public liability section of the Products Liability Policy Wording.
For insurance to be in place you must adhere to the following;
- Products you purchase to retail to your clients, must comply with all relevant health and safety regulations and standards in the European Union, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or Gibraltar.
- Products must be made within the European Union, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or Gibraltar or you have sourced the product from a supplier within the European Union, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or Gibraltar and you have a written contract or proof of sale for the product you purchase.
- The supplier you use must be reputable and have appropriate products insurance in place, so that the insurance Underwriters have the right of recourse against the product supplier or manufacturer.
- You have not changed or manufactured the retail products yourself.

I own a multi-room beauty salon and I am thinking of renting out rooms and chairs to self-employed therapists, hairdressers, nail technicians or subcontractors. Does the Guild salon policy include vicarious liability insurance cover?

Guild salon policy quotes include as standard, vicarious liability insurance cover for up to 4 self-employed people or subcontractors working in your business premises. Even though the self-employed practitioners will have their own insurance for their individual business, you as the salon owner should have vicarious liability insurance cover in place. If you are renting out rooms/chairs or space to self-employed therapists, hairdressers, or nail technicians, you as the salon owner, may still be held liable for their actions or negligence while they are operating within your business premises. To obtain an individual quote please complete the Instant Insurance Quote details in the pink box on the homepage.

Would Full Guild membership insurance cover me to work fom a garden room or log cabin in the garden of my house?

Yes, Full Guild membership insurance treatment, public and product liability insurance would cover you to work from a log cabin or garden room in the garden of your house. However, if you also require contents cover, we will need to ask you a few more questions before we can calculate and advise you what additional premium payable is required for this cover to be in place. To obtain a personalised quote please give us a call on 01332 224830 or email us info@beautyguild.com.

Is there a minium age you can be insured by the Guild?

You have to be 18 years and over, to be insured by the Guild.

How will I receive and access my insurance documents?

We provide you with your insurance documents by email. These documents are also available to download within your Guild membership portal under Guild Membership > My Membership.

Are there any Age Restrictions Stipulated in Guild Membership Insurance Policy?

If the manufacturer’s instructions for use of the products or equipment, stipulates a specific age restriction, this must be adhered to for insurance to be in place. If there are no age restrictions stated in the manufacturers’ instructions for use of the product or equipment, then you must adhere to the following conditions of cover for insurance to be in place: Any treatment performed on a minor, who is aged 16 years of age or younger must have their parent or guardian’s prior consent; and their parent or guardian must be in attendance during the appointment. You must store any letters of consent alongside the client record card. You must always maintain, accurate and descriptive client records in relation to of all the professional services and equipment used in the course of your business. You must retain the records for a period of at least five years from the date of the treatment and, in the case of a minor, for a period of at least five years after the minor attains the age of majority.

Can I set my own age restrictions for the treatments that I offer in my business?

Yes, you are at liberty to set your own age restrictions for the various treatments that you offer. However, you still must adhere to the age restrictions detailed in the conditions of insurance cover and follow manufacturer’s age restrictions when using their products.

Are there any age restrictions for Intimate wax treatments?

Intimate wax treatments must not be offered to anyone under 16 years of age, even with a parent or guardian's written consent as they have not reached the age of consent in the eyes of the law.

Is it an insurance requirement that I carry out a sensitivity patch test prior to performing certain treatments?

It is an insurance requirement that a sensitivity patch test is carried out at least 24 hours prior to:
the application of false eyelashes;
any eyelash or eyebrow tinting;
any eyelash perming treatment;
the application of any other chemicals to the skin or hair where the manufacturer’s instructions for the product being used, requires a patch test;

A sensitivity patch test must be performed on; new clients to be treated; existing clients, where a year has passed since their last patch test; or where the product applied has been changed since the client’s last treatment of that kind. The results of each patch test must be recorded in writing in the client's records. If the client experiences an allergic reaction, the treatment must not be performed. If you do not adhere to this condition of cover and you do not perform the required sensitivity patch tests, insurers have the right to decline to deal with any subsequent claims for personal injury that may result from treating a client that hasn't had a sensitivity patch test. Insurers will not accept a signed disclaimer from the client stating that they don't want a sensitivity patch test.

My client is unable to get into the salon to have a sensitivity patch test prior to her salon treatment, would I be insured to send her a postal patch test to carry out at home?

It is always recommended that the therapist performs the sensitivity patch test in the salon. However, if for any reason this is not possible, postal patch testing is allowed as long as the following rules are adhered to.
- A reason must be noted on the client consultation card as to why it was not possible to carry out an in-person patch test (e.g. clients who have long distances to travel, limited access to transport, disabilities, busy schedules)
- A postal patch test is not against manufacturer’s advice and confirmation has been obtained from the manufacture to this effect.
- The insured must check the patch test area prior to the treatment themselves and fully record the results/observations in the client notes.
- The insured must obtain a signed consent form from the client at the time of treatment which states the client followed all instructions including time frame and understands the consequences of not having performed the test correctly. The signed consent form must be stored alongside the client’s record card.
- The supplier of the product must supply the insured with a professional patch testing kit to post to your clients, it cannot be a patch test kit that you have produced yourself.

My client will not have a sensitivity patch test prior to a lash tinting treatment. Would I be insured, if my client signs a disclaimer/waiver form stating she does not want the patch test and that she will not take legal action if a reaction occurs?

A client disclaimer/waiver form does not protect you from having a claim made against you because the client still has the right to pursue a claim. It is a condition of insurance cover that the therapist perform a sensitivity patch test in line with the manufacturer's instructions and their training. If the therapist ignores this requirement, this is a breach of their insurance policy requirement and the insurer can refuse to accept the claim. The therapist would then have to deal with the legal process and any financial settlement would have to be paid the therapist.

Am I insured to use gel polish, gel nail extension and acrylic nail products that contain safe levels of acrylates?

We can confirm that Hiscox, Underwriters have advised that insured members would be covered to continue using the gel polish, gel nail extension and acrylic nail products, that contain acrylates, providing that the respective manufacturers have advised that their products meet UK requirements and are safe to use. If a client, did experience an allergic reaction to any of these products, the insured member must not continue to use them on their client, and they must ask them to seek medical advice immediately. The insured member must then report the incident to our office and we would notify insurers of the occurrence.

Am I insured to provide mobile treatments at events/fairs/fetes and festivals in the U.K?

Guild membership insurance does provide you with cover you to work mobile e.g. at events/fairs/ fetes/exhibitions and festivals in the U.K. You have a duty of care to provide a safe treatment to your clients and so, you must ensure that the treatments that you offer can be provided in a safe and hygienic space. You must also be able to wash your hands between clients and where necessary, clean and sterilise your tools or equipment. You are required to carry out a pre- treatment consultation with each client prior to the treatment and retain this in the client files. It is a condition of insurance cover that you maintain and keep accurate client records. You should not provide a treatment to a client who isn't able to provide you with their informed consent prior to a treatment.

My client has advised me that she is pregnant / breastfeeding, can I still offer them a treatment?

For all treatments on our accepted treatment list other than massage and reflexology, if the manufacturer’s instructions for use of the products or equipment, stipulates a restriction for use during pregnancy or when breastfeeding, this must be adhered to for insurance to be in place. If there are no restrictions stated in the manufacturers’ instructions for use of the product or equipment, then you must adhere to the following for insurance to be in place. Insurers expect you to adhere to the list of contraindications and restrictions to treatment that you have been taught in your treatment training course. It is an insurance requirement that if the client has notified you during the pre-treatment, informed consent process; of a pre-existing health condition that would infer a contraindication to such a treatment, that you request that the client obtained consent from their GP, Midwife or Specialist Medical Consultant that they can receive such a treatment. We would always recommend that this is obtained in writing, as this is your best form of defence, if ever a claim is made against you for personal injury. The confirmation that the treatment can go ahead, must be noted/saved in the client's records and retained for a period of at least 5 years from the date of treatment and, in the case of a minor, for a period of at least five years after that minor attains majority.

Can I offer a massage after a client has given birth?

Providing that there are no other contraindications present, I would advise that you don't offer a massage treatment until after the client has had her post-natal check-up and has been discharged by her GP (if it was a normal delivery). However, if the client had a Caesarean, then you would have to wait until she has been discharged by the hospital which could be longer. If you have any doubt whether it is safe to offer a massage treatment to a client, you should always refer them to their GP or Consultant to obtain their written consent for the massage treatment to go ahead. The letter of consent must be stored along-side the client record card.

What are the insurance requirements for providing massage and reflexology treatments on a pregnant client?

For pregnancy massage and reflexology treatments, it is an insurance requirement to adhere to the following for insurance to be in place;
1) Treatment must not be offered until after the first trimester i.e. after the first 12 weeks;
2) The client has checked with their Midwife or GP that there is no medical reason why they should not have a pregnancy massage, reflexology or body massage treatment, and this has been recorded in the pre-treatment consultation form;
3) Client's with a history of miscarriage or complicated pregnancies can be treated if they have sought medical advice and confirmation from their GP / Midwife prior to treatment;
4) At the time of the treatment the client is not suffering with morning sickness, decrease in foetal movement over a 24 hour period, vaginal bleeding and has not been advised by their medical practitioner to have complete bed rest;
5)The insured must only use the techniques that they were taught in their reflexology/massage/pregnancy massage training course;
6) The insured is only using products that have been designated as safe to use during pregnancy;
7) There are no other contraindications present that would prevent treatment;
8) Do not massage the pressure points on either side of the ankle, nor massage the webbing between the thumb and the index finger.

My client has notified me during the consultation that they have a pre-existing medical condition that would infer a contraindication to such treatment. Can I still treat them?

If the manufacturer’s instructions for use of the products or equipment, stipulates a restriction because of a particular medical condition, this must be adhered to for insurance to be in place. If there are no restrictions stated in the manufacturers’ instructions for use of the product or equipment, then you must adhere to the following for insurance to be in place. Insurers expect you to adhere to the contraindications and restrictions to treatment that you have been taught in your treatment training course. It is a condition of insurance that if the client has notified you during the pre-treatment, informed consent process; of a pre-existing health condition that would infer a contraindication to such a treatment, that you request that the client obtained consent from their GP or Specialist Medical Consultant that they can receive such a treatment. We would always recommend that this is obtained in writing, as this is your best form of defence, if ever a claim is made against you for personal injury. The confirmation that the treatment can go ahead, must be noted/saved in the client's records and retained for a period of at least 5 years from the date of treatment and, in the case of a minor, for a period of at least five years after that minor attains majority.

Can I wax a client who has been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes?

You should not offer wax treatments to a client who has been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes for the following reasons
1. The skin is more prone to suffering infections and sensitivity and doesn’t heal very well
2. Diabetes can affect the nerves and lead to a condition called diabetic neuropathy, which can cause a lack of sensation in the skin. This condition is more common in people with poorly controlled blood sugar levels over a long period of time. Diabetic neuropathy can affect different nerves in the body, including those that provide sensation to the skin. The loss of sensation can occur in the hands, feet, and other areas of the body. This can make it difficult for individuals with diabetes to feel pain, temperature changes, or other sensations in their skin. The lack of skin sensation can be problematic because it may make it harder for individuals to detect injuries, such as cuts, blisters, or burns.
Without prompt treatment, these injuries can become infected or worsen, leading to more serious complications.

You can tweezer, as long as the client has no skin infections or is suffering from neuropathy at the time of treatment in the area to be treated. Extra care should be taken by the therapist to ensure that their standards of hygiene are very high when performing the treatment. The client must be advised to follow carefully the aftercare advice given to them by the therapist.

Would I be insured to offer beauty, nail, hairdressing, massage or holistic treatments in a hospital, nursing, care home or hospice?

Guild membership insurance covers you to work mobile, anywhere in the UK, Northern Ireland, Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. It is a condition of insurance that you carry out a pre- treatment consultation with each client prior to the treatment and retain this in the client files. It is a condition of insurance cover that you maintain and keep accurate client records. You should not provide a treatment to a client who isn't able to provide you with their informed consent prior to a treatment. If the client is unable to provide you with their informed consent to the treatment then you can ask the person legally responsible for the person e.g a person who has power of attorney for that person. Please be aware that it is a condition of insurance that if the client has notified you during the pre-treatment, informed consent process; of a pre-existing health condition that would infer a contraindication to such a treatment, that you request that the client obtained consent from their GP or Specialist Medical Consultant that they can receive such a treatment. We would always recommend that this is obtained in writing, as this is your best form of defense, if ever a claim is made against you for personal injury. The confirmation that the treatment can go ahead, must be noted/saved in the client's records and retained for a period of at least 5 years from the date of treatment and, in the case of a minor, for a period of at least five years after that minor attains majority.

Can I remove gel nail extensions or gel polish from a clients nails, if they had the products applied at another salon?

Yes you can, but your client record card needs to record that the nail extension or gel polish had been applied by another technician at another salon. If you know the name of the salon then this should also be recorded on the record card. You should also note the condition of the nails when the extensions/gel polish has been removed. If you find the client’s natural nails aren’t looking healthy or there is any sign of infection you should decline to reapply any further nail products until the problem has been addressed. If you see is any sign of infection you must refer the client to their GP .

I have been declared bankrupt can I take out insurance cover with the Guild?

Yes, you can take out insurance cover with the Guild, providing the bankruptcy has been fully discharged for a period of at least 12 months.

I have become insolvent; can I take out insurance cover with the Guild?

Yes, you can take out insurance cover with the Guild, providing the voluntary arrangement with creditors has been fully discharged for a period of at least 12 months.

I have made a voluntary arrangement with creditors; can I take out insurance cover with the Guild?

Yes, you can take out insurance cover with the Guild, providing the voluntary arrangements with the creditors has been fully discharged for a period of at least 12 months.

I have been subject to enforcement of a judgement debt in a personal capacity, can I take out insurance cover with the Guild?

Yes, you can take out insurance cover with the Guild, providing the judgement debt has been fully discharged for a period of at least 12 months.

Will Guild Insurance cover me to work on a mobile basis or do I need a premises?

Guild Insurance allows you work anywhere in the UK either in a salon, from your home, or on a mobile basis.

What insurance is legally required and needs to be displayed in my salon?

If you employ staff, you are legally required to have employers liability insurance of at least £5,000,000. Proof of this insurance must be displayed in your workplace.

I have my insurance with The Guild, can you please advise me if it is is acceptable for me to use an online pre-treatment consultation system or app?

Online client record cards are acceptable providing that you can clearly demonstrate that the client has given you their informed consent for the treatment to go ahead and you have made all the necessary pre-treatment checks to ensure that the treatment can be provided safely. You must be able to demonstrate that there were no contraindications present that would restrict or prevent a treatment from going ahead at the time of the treatment. This would include storing any letters of consent that have been obtained from the client's medical practitioner. You must also record any sensitivity patch tests that are required and performed on the client and the outcome of any such tests. If a client had an allergic reaction the insurers would require you to demonstrate that any patch tests were correctly performed and recorded by you. You must also make sure that the system or app you use can store the client records securely and in line with current GDPR requirements.

What are the insurance requirements for client records?

You must always maintain accurate, descriptive records of all professional services and equipment used in procedures for a period of at least five years from the date of treatment and, in the case of a minor, for a period of at least five years after that minor attains majority. To ensure GDPR compliance when disposing of confidential waste, organisations must take steps to protect personal data while also adhering to environmental regulations. Companies should ensure all confidential waste is securely destroyed and completely unrecoverable.

Can you provide insurance for IPL, Laser, Hair & Skin Rejuvenation, Botox, or Collagen Filler Treatments?

Unfortunately we are not able to provide insurance cover for these advanced treatments.

I have an unspent conviction; can I apply for Guild Membership insurance cover?

It is an insurance requirement that we ask you if you have ever been convicted of or charged with any offence, other than a motoring offence or conviction spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 or any equivalent legislation. Under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (ROA), eligible convictions or cautions become ‘spent’ after a specified period, known as the ‘rehabilitation period’. If your conviction or caution becomes 'spent' you are no longer required to declare it for most purposes, e.g., when applying for insurance. The countdown to a conviction becoming spent starts from the date of the conviction, not the date of the offence. So, if you are still in your rehabilitation period following a criminal conviction, your conviction is unspent. Unspent convictions are criminal records that haven’t yet reached a point where they don’t need to be disclosed any more. You can apply for insurance if your conviction is spent. Unfortunately, if your conviction is not spent, you will not be able to apply for insurance until such a time it becomes spent. There is a charity called Unlock that offers help to people with convictions. They can help you to find out if your conviction is spent or not. Here are a couple of useful links to their website https://unlock.org.uk/topic/about-criminal-records/ https://unlock.org.uk/advice/roa-long-list-of-sentences-and-disposals/ https://unlock.org.uk/the-helpline/

Is there an insurance requirement to give the client both written and verbal aftercare advice?

It is an insurance requirement that the insured must maintain accurate client records. If an insurance claim was made the insured would be requested to send in copies of the client record card to the insurance underwriter. If ever, the claim went to court, the client record card becomes your best line of defence. Therefore, we would always advocate that the aftercare is issued to the client in written form and the client signs the client record card to confirm receipt and agrees to adhere to the aftercare procedures. Of course, it always best to discuss the aftercare advice at the time that it is given to the client to ensure that they understand what is required of them and it also gives them the opportunity to ask any questions they may have. You can if you wish, send the client a follow up email that provides them with a copy of the aftercare advice to refer to when they get home.

Can I purchase professional or retail products from a company outside of the UK?

Products you purchase to use for your treatments and to retail to your clients, must comply with all relevant health and safety regulations and standards in the European Union, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or Gibraltar. Products must be supplied with any instructions which are necessary for the product’s safe use. Products must be fit and proper for their supplied purpose. Products must be made within the European Union, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or Gibraltar or you have sourced the product from a supplier within the European Union, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or Gibraltar and you have a written contract or proof of sale for the product you purchase. The supplier you use must be reputable and have appropriate products insurance in place.

I would like to know if my Full Guild Membership insurance will cover me to produce and retail my own range of skin, body, and cosmetic products?

Unfortunately, we can' t provide you with insurance cover to produce and retail your own range of skin, body, and cosmetic products . The product liability insurance cover that is included in full Guild membership, only provides cover for you to use products in your salon treatments or retail products to your clients, that have been manufactured and supplied by a professional, wholesale, source. You are not insured to use or retail any products that have been manufactured by you, where you do not have the right of recourse against the product supplier or manufacturer.

Can I be insured to retail and to use, in the course of treatments, my own label/ range of skincare products to my clients?

Yes, you would be insured to retail and use your own label products, providing that you adhere to the condition of insurance detailed below:

“Products you purchase to use for your treatments and to retail to your clients, must comply with all relevant health and safety regulations and standards in the European Union, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or Gibraltar. Products must be supplied with any instructions which are necessary for the product’s safe use. Products must be fit and proper for their supplied purpose. Products must be made within the European Union, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or Gibraltar or you have sourced the product from a supplier within the European Union, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or Gibraltar and you have a written contract or proof of sale for the product you purchase. The supplier you use must be reputable and have appropriate products insurance in place”

In addition, you must obtain a letter from the supplier of the products that confirms that they will take responsibility for any the claims arising from their products. The letter must be supplied on official; company headed paper and must detail the company registration number and the address of their head office. A copy of this letter must be sent to us to forward to Hiscox Underwriters for their approval.

The insured must be suitably, qualified to use the products in treatments and also the treatments must be on the list of treatments we can insure as detailed on our website.

Do you provide quotes for Professional Indemnity insurance cover?

Unfortunately, we are not able to provide Guild members with quotes for Professional indemnity insurance cover. Our basic policy covers Treatment Risk (aka Medical Malpractice), Public & Product Liability. We can then add on the advanced treatment extensions, teaching risk, employers’ liability and contents insurance. In addition our salon policies can provide you with quotes for buildings, property away and in transit, money and business interruption cover.

How soon does my cover start?

Cover will start straight away upon payment whether you join online or via telephone.

What are the insurance requirements for the use of sunbeds?

Prior to use you must provide written safety information to each client. You must also display this information at eye level. This information should contain your instructions for the safe use of the equipment. It must advise the client for the need to limit exposure as well as contraindications of use. The client should be advised to wear the protective goggles provided. The goggles, where applicable, must have been sanitised according to manufacturer’s instructions prior to each use; operation of the equipment is done under your strict supervision following your attendance at the manufacturer’s training; the equipment is less than seven years’ old, is owned, hired or leased and used exclusively by you and is regularly maintained and serviced in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Any client that is contraindicated must be denied use of the equipment until a time they can produce copies of medical certificates confirming that they can safely use your equipment, which you must retain on file for a period of at least five years.

Can I take photographs of my clients for advertising my business?

You must obtain permission from your clients prior to using any photographs or videos that are used on your website.

How do I calculate the value of my contents for insurance purposes?

Our online customer journey will explain how you should be calculating the value of your contents depending on the sections of cover you require. We would advise in all circumstances to retain proof of purchase for all items you require contents cover for. Insurers will request copies of any receipts the insured has in the event of a claim. To obtain a quote please click on the link https://www.beautyguild.com/Membership/Get-A-Quote

What steps should I take when working mobile, to protect the client’s property from accidental damage, eg product spillage?

Insurers require you take all reasonable steps, to ensure that localised surface areas, including but not limited to, the surrounding flooring and furniture are covered using protective sheets or towelling prior to the commencement of the treatment.

What are the insurance requirements for use of equipment and products?

It is a condition of cover that all equipment and products used by you as part of your business activity are only used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Where the equipment is suitable to be used more than once (i.e. approved by the manufacturer for that purpose) it must be sterilised prior to such use in accordance with Department of Health guidelines or equivalent.

I am a full member, am I insured to do case studies for a qualification I am currently studying?

You will be covered for any claim against you, which is brought as a result of any treatment on our standard treatment list you performed for a client in your capacity of a student in furtherance of your training qualification. Full Guild members are insured to carry out case studies for treatments that they are currently studying privately or at an FE college. In order for cover to be in place you must adhere to the following conditions of cover; a) case studies must only be carried out on family and friends b) Case studies must be free of charge c) The treatment that is carried out must form part of the case study material required for the successful completion of your training course/module in that treatment

I have recently qualified in the use of Beta Hydroxy and Beta Hydroxy Acid, skin peel treatments. Can you provide me with insurance cover?

Yes, we can provide cover for the use of Alpha Hydroxy and Beta Hydroxy Acids (up to 40% by volume unbuffered or esterified, providing that you hold a certificate of training in the peels that you are using. Please click on the link to find out more about the range of treatments we can cover click here If you are unsure whether the skin peel that you are using is an AHA or BHA please contact us for clarification via email info@beautyguild.com. Please provide us with as much information about the content and strength of peel that you are using.

I have recently qualified in chemical peel treatments. Can you provide me with insurance cover?

Full Guild membership insurance cover includes the use of certain skin peels. We can only provide cover for Alpha Hydroxy and Beta Hydroxy Acids (up to 40% by volume unbuffered or esterified, providing that you hold a certificate of training in the peels that you are using. Please click on the link to find out more about the range of treatments we can cover click here If you are unsure whether the skin peel that you are using is an AHA or BHA please contact us for clarification via email info@beautyguild.com. Please provide us with as much information about the content and strength of peel that you are using.

Can you advise me if you can provide insurance cover for TCA (trichloroacetic acid) peels?

I am sorry, but we are unable to provide insurance cover for TCA (trichloroacetic acid) skin peels.

Am I insured to use pre-blended essential oils in my body massage and Indian Head massage treatments?

You are insured to use pre-blended essential oils providing that you hold a qualification in pre-blended essential oils. If you haven't got a qualification, please click on the link below for more information on the GTI pre-blended essential oil online training course click here

Am I insured to use any type of UV/LED lamp to cure gel polish or gel nail extensions?

It is a condition of cover that all equipment and products used by you as part of your business activity are only used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. The type of LED lamp you use for gel products can vary depending on the specific gel product you are using. Different gel products may have different curing requirements, such as specific wavelengths or power output. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions for the gel product you are using to ensure proper curing and optimal results. Some gel products may require a specific LED lamp that is designed to emit the appropriate wavelength of light for curing that particular gel. These lamps are often labelled as compatible with specific gel brands or types. Using the correct LED lamp can help ensure that the gel cures properly and achieves the desired durability and finish. If you are unsure about which LED lamp to use with a specific gel product, it is best to consult the manufacturer's instructions or reach out to the gel product manufacturer for guidance. They can provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information on the recommended LED lamp for their gel product.

Does my insurance cover include legal expenses?

Guild membership insurance includes legal expenses incurred in defence of a claim made against you. Please refer to your policy schedule for limits of cover.

Can you insure my contents?

Contents insurance, also known as property insurance, is available to purchase as an extensions to full membership of the Guild. Please ring our insurance team for more information, on 01332 224830, during office hours, Monday - Friday, 9 - 5 pm.

Do you provide insurance for Microneedling or Dermarolling?

Yes, we do offer insurance for these treatments as an additional premium. In order for you to take out the additional cover for these treatments you would need to hold a minimum of a NVQ Level 3 or equivalent in Beauty Therapy plus relevant supplier’s training certificate. Our policy includes Nano-needling and Scalp Microneedling providing you have been trained in these areas. Needle sizes can be used on the face up to 1.5mm and on the body up to 3mm.

Do you provide insurance for Microblading, Semi-Permanent Makeup and Micropigmentation?

Yes, we do offer insurance for these treatments as an additional premium. In order for you to take out the additional cover for these treatments you would need to hold a minimum of a NVQ Level 3 or equivalent in Beauty Therapy or NVQ Level 3 or equivalent in Facial Electricals plus relevant supplier’s training certificate. This insurance premium will cover you for:
- Microblading of the eyebrows.
- Semi-permanent make up and micropigmentation administered for the purposes of eyeliner, eyebrow, lip liner, full lip colour or areola.
You must ensure that;
1) Your client has read dated and signed an appropriate consent form prior to their treatment of which you have stored on file,
2) You were qualified to perform treatments to the specific area being treated at the time of the treatment and
3) You always use a single use, disposable and sterile instrument which you immediately dispose of into a sharps container following each treatment.

Do you provide insurance for Dermaplaning?

Yes, we do offer insurance for this treatment as an additional premium. In order for you to take out the additional cover for this treatment you would need to hold a minimum of a NVQ Level 2 or equivalent in Beauty Therapy plus relevant supplier’s training certificate.

What is meant by standard construction in relation to insurance?

Standard construction is built of brick, stone or concrete and roofed with slate, tiles, concrete, metal, asbestos or any other non-combustible material.

I live and work in the UK, but I don't have a UK qualification, can I be insured with the Guild?

A Beauty Guild GTi Training Couse can be undertaken if you have an overseas qualification, and this will be accepted for insurance purposes. For more details, please contact our office via email on info@beautyguild.com to inform us of which overseas certificates you hold, and we will be able to advise you. Alternatively, if you have an overseas qualification and have received a confirmation letter from UK ENIC advising what your non-UK qualifications are equivalent to in the UK, we can accept this for insurance purposes providing the treatments wished to be insured are listed within our treatment list: https://www.beautyguild.com/Membership/Treatments-We-Cover

I don't live in the UK, can you insure me?

Guild insurance only insures people living and working in the United Kingdom.

How do I make an Insurance Claim?

If you suffer a loss and may need to make a claim you should tell us promptly about any claim, loss or any shortcoming in your work which is likely to lead to a claim. You should not admit liability or make any offer in respect of any injury, damage, or liability. For all claims you will need to provide us with your Guild membership number and full details of the claim, including the date, amount claimed and circumstances. Please contact us on 01332 224830, 9am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday. If a loss occurs out of office hours, please contact Hiscox direct. Their contact details will be found in your individual policy documents.

What are my obligations to the insurers?

You must:
• take care when answering questions and ensure that all information is accurate and complete.
• let us know if the information provided changes.
• take reasonable care to prevent accident, injury, damage, or liability.
• tell us promptly about any claim, loss or any shortcoming in your work which is likely to lead to a claim.
• not admit liability or make any offer in respect of any injury, damage, or liability.
• keep descriptive records of all professional services and procedures for at least five years from the date of treatment.
• ensure that tools or equipment intended to be in contact with bodily fluid or penetrate tissue are handled, stored, and used in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructions.
• ensure that skin patch tests are undertaken in accordance with the requirements detailed in the policy.
• take reasonable steps to rectify any defect in any products or services provided.

Please always refer to the conditions of cover found in full policy wording that you were issued with when you took out insurance cover.

Do you need any further help and advice with your online application because of your disability or impairment?

Please contact us by email, to info@beautyguild.com, or telephone 01332 224830 Mon-Fri, 9 - 5 pm. If you have problems using a computer because of a disability or impairment then we recommend that you visit AbilityNet’s website which provides lots of advice on how to make your computer easier to use. click here AbilityNet are experts in the field of computing and disability and they provide a free service to individuals with disabilities to assess their computing needs. Call AbilityNet free on 0800 269 545 for more information.

Ready To Join?

Hopefully the above faq's answer any queries you may have. If so you can click here to go to our online application process and get covered straight away.